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Saturday, June 15th 2024


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20 members and guests attended the traditional Charter Day Lunch in the Memorial Room at the Club on Saturday, June 15th 2024. Attendees included past masters from the previous Grammar School, management from the current college and members and their guests.

President Clive Bowen-Davies welcomed attendees and with a special welcome to our VIP guest, Mr John Hodt, Chairman of the governors of KEVI Sixth Form College Stourbridge.

Principal Holly Bembridge and Chair of Trustees, David Burrows, conveyed their apologies due to family commitments.

Once the assembled guests had settled, the President invited them to stand for Grace before the proceedings commenced.

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Lunch was then served, consisting of Asparagus and Hollandaise Sauce, Platter of cold meats with all the trimmings and copious amounts of potatoes, vegetables, extras, and salads.

This was duly followed by Lemon Meringue Pie and Cream, Cheeses and biscuits and coffee. Red and White Wine were included as part of the excellent value for the event.

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The toasts were subsequently proposed.

The President finally thanked everyone for coming and gave special and worthy thanks to Tim for the incredible feat of preparing so much excellent food on his own - in terms of both quality and quantity - and to Tracey and her staff for serving it so efficiently. He reiterated that the Club is so very fortunate to have them.

He also gave thanks to past President Rob Hill for producing the table cards and wished him well in his recovery.

All in all, a memorable occasion with one of the most anticipated occasions of the year.

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